Do we have access to MGMA DataDive Provider Compensation data?

This resource is comparable to the AAMC Faculty Salary Report, which is now available only in an online format.


UT Southwestern has an institutional level membership with the Medical Group Management Association (MGMA) that allows us to provide access to DataDive to faculty, staff, and students. The membership – and related access – is managed by Health System Affairs, and they are responsible for approving access.

Requests should be forwarded to Jordan Thiele ( – and copied to Michele Wingate ( – and include the following information:

  • Name of person requesting access
  • The person's title
  • The person's email address
  • Reason for requesting access (e.g., how access would support their position responsibilities, general description of why they would like access)

If the request is approved, then follow-up communication about how to access the system will be provided by the MGMA contact.


  • Last Updated Mar 30, 2023
  • Views 140
  • Answered By Jon Crossno

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